
Thursday, November 26, 2020

My best writing:Haunted house

             Haunted house

On a freezing winter day the Addams family were getting ready to move to their new house on a big hill. They only had to pack six more boxes. Wednesday {their daughter} had finished packing her bedroom and

Pugsley {their son} had just put all his boxes in the moving van. 

One hour later they hop in the car with their mum and dad and start to drive up the hill to their new house. They get to the house “Mum why is the roof and walls painted black?” Pugsley said. 

“It's just the way it came when we paid for the house,” said mum. 

“It looks like the owner before us did not take good care of this house,” Wednesday said.  

Mum and Dad said “Let's just go inside.”

“Okay,” we yelled, I walked up the steps to the front door and turned  the handle. 

“Crrrrrreeeeak” went to the door. Pugsley ran up the steps. 

“Move Wednesday,” said Pugsley. Instead Wednesday did not move and just put her foot out and tripped Pugsley. 

“Ouch that hurt. You’re mean,” cried Pugsley. Wednesday just walked away and picked the room first and Pugsley had the smallest room in the house 20 hours later 

“Knock knock” Wednesday wakes up. 

“Who is knocking at my door?” Wednesday said in fear. There was no reply so she opened the door and saw a ghost! 

“Helppppp!” she yelled terrified. Her dad came running and said “What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I..I...I..saw a ghost!” whispered Wednesday. 

“A what?” said the dad. 

“A ghost!” yelled Wednesday.

“Okay.” Dad said.

 “Lets go to back to sleep” Dad said quietly.

 “Okay” said Wednesday. 

 When Wednesday woke up the next morning she found goo on the bedroom floor. So she know the ghost was real.

Tuesday, November 3, 2020


                                                                 My  Art

                          Today we had the cool rise team came in and we had                             Caroline and we made some opposite art I used red and                          blue contrast colours.